What does digitalization mean?
Digitalization. Nowadays, especially since the pandemic, people hear this word regularly. Indeed, the use of digital technologies has recently become increasingly vital. What does digitalization mean? And how can our company, the Netlife Robotics, help?

First of all, as once it was done at school, let’s define the term!
“Digitalization means the use of digital technologies and of data (digitized and natively digital) in order to create revenue, improve business, replace/transform business processes (not simply digitizing them) and create an environment for digital business, whereby digital information is at the core.”
Source: iscope.eu
We need to clarify another term as well. Digitisation means creating digital version of analog/physical things (read more: i-scoope.eu).
Even in everyday life, people have countless opportunities to use digital devices. For example, during running we can use a lot of applications to transform our own performance indicators into a computer-readable format. These can be stored on your phone or in the cloud. You can share it with your friends or with other runners. You can set goals, and follow your routes on a map. you can collect a lot of data and analyse them for the better achievement. You can see for example on which sections you slowed down and where were you faster.
You can also use an accounting program to manage your finances. This way you can keep an eye on how much money have you spent when and on what. You can even create a reminder for account payments, for example.
Digitalization at companies
This example is already a transition to the business world. However, digitalization is different in everyday life and even for SMEs. Not to mention a large company.
How has digitalization in Hungary developed in the last years?
In 2018, Siemens carried out a research on corporate digitalization. 300 large companies and 200 SMEs took part in the survey. The companies were active in one of the following sectors: healthcare, energy, industrial manufacturing, real estate development and transportation. The survey of the Siemens was carried out by GKI Digital.
The purpose of the survey was to compare the new results with the situation in 2016. As it turned out, in 2018, the companies were more serious and prepared for the process. They defined these a little differently.

The infographic summarizes the situation, conditions and goals of digitalization among companies. It is clear that the biggest obstacle in 2016 was labor shortage. The goals were, for example, data collection and analysis, increase of the operational efficiency, expanding electronic systems, and integrating corporate systems. The last line shows the 10 most common arguments for digitalization like increasing efficiency and quality, reducing costs and administration.
2 years have passed since then. And in the spring of 2020, the pandemic has also boosted corporate digitalization a lot. This could be perceived during everyday administration or work. More and more processes had to be carried out by using digital equipments. Experts also say that digitalization could be the big winner of the coronavirus, according to the article of Portfolio.
And how can Netlife Robotics help?
Our company offers digital customer service solutions for medium-sized and large companies. Our Pepper-type humanoid robot performs its tasks with the help of artificial intelligence. It works autonomously, and it is capable of human-robot interactions in Hungarian.
This means that it can talk to customers, guests, buyers on its own. It can inform, give directions, or offer products.
The use of the robot not only increases efficiency, but also promotes sales. It allows companies to remain competitive, meet customer needs and increase the quality of the service.
It is already used in many places around the world. It can be found mainly in trade, hospitality, banking and public administration.
It is also used as a social robot in healthcare and in nursing homes. For example, our robot served in a private clinic in Buda during the pandemic.
A BBC video, released in 2017, presents a study. It is a big problem in the UK that the majority of the elderly lives alone. Robots may be a solution for them. Although they cannot replace personal relationships, they can provide an activity for seniors.
The Pepper robot has since been used in a nursing home in Germany.
In our post, we defined what digitalization means. In the last years, we saw that Hungarian companies have become more mature. As you saw and read on the news portals, the pandemic was a big boost in the process. At the end of the post, we also introduced the digital services of our company.
References: 24.hu; Wiktionary; Bitport; BBC; i-scoop.eu
Robotics has got a great future. As technology develops, there will be an increasing expectation for their use. Please, feel free to contact us in connection with robotics projects!