Pepper robot in the fight against the pandemic
In our blog post, we collected international examples based on the data of Softbank Robotics and newspaper articles. How did Pepper robot help humanity during the pandemic?

First, let’s clarify what Softbank is. It produces Pepper robots as hardwares. Many companies around the world carry out researches and developments related to Pepper robot. In Hungary, such a software company is the Netlife Robotics. Basically, artificial intelligence, voice recognition and machine learning are the research areas of our company. And our goal is to create digital customer service solutions using these technologies.
Pepper robot is the greatest
Since 2014, we have been constantly looking for new ways, solutions and tools. As Pepper Robot is perhaps the best robotic hardware, we decided to distribute it. The basic hardware knows relatively few things. Therefore, we developed our own software that can be used for human-robot interactions in Hungarian.
Unfortunately, the latter period has not spared robotics either. At the same time, Pepper has been a success in many areas for developers and,what’s more important, for users, too. We have already reported on our Hungarian success several times.
Let’s have a look at how Pepper robot performs in other parts of the world?
We have brought some examples that have been born as a common success of researchers, developers and users.
China was the first that used robots in the fight against the coronavirus. In Wuhan, a “smart hospital” deployed a whole host of robots. The main goal is to help the overwhelmed and exhausted human workforce. Of course, Pepper is among the robots. In addition, a number of humanoid and non-humanoid robots are also on duty. They are able to perform various measurements (taking temperature or blood samples) and many other tests. The robots were donated to the hospital by CloudMinds Technology, a start-up company related to Softbank Robotics.
Source: Leslie Katz,
Robots help guests in Japanese hotels
In Japan, hospitals became overcrowded during the pandemic. In Tokyo, therefore, those with mild coronavirus symptoms have been housed in hotels.
In these hotels, robots were used to help infected people. This allowed the hotel staff to perform their duties more safely.
Pepper’s main task was to reduce tension. It encouraged and cheered its conversation partners up.

Pepper robot X Edeka
Edeka is one of the biggest chain stores in Germany. It was established in 1898 in Berlin. Pepper was employed to fight the pandemic. The task of the robot is to inform the customers. It warns them to follow rules, like wearing a mask, keeping distance, etc.
The company is a retail chain similar to Edeka. They use Pepper to fight against the pandemic. The robot got similar tasks as its German colleague at Edeka.
UZ Brussel university hospital

The UZ Brussel University Hospital is a university hospital in Brussels. In May 2020, they started testing Pepper as social robot. In the hospital, as everywhere else, it was extra important to keep distance. The task of the robot this kind of endorsement. In fact, with its help, safety standards are followed for the benefit of patients and hospital staff.
Read more: The Brussels Times; Softbank Robotics; UZ Brussel Hospital;,
There are a lot of similar examples of using a Pepper robot. It can also be found in more and more places in Europe. Of course, not all of these are related to COVID-19. In many places, the projects were started long before the pandemic.
The good news is that this great technology is already available here in Hungary, and its knowledge customizable with the help of software developed in Hungary. Even better news is that you don’t have to turn anywhere else for this, just contact us by clicking the button below!