Application of robots
You can’t even remember the world when there were no robots. At that time, humanity was still facing the universe alone, without companionship. But now, he has helpers, stronger, more loyal, more useful creatures than him, who are definitely devoted followers. The humanity is no longer alone. Have you ever thought about that?
Isaac Asimov: I, Robot Translation by József Békési and Pál Vámosi. Budapest, Gabo Kiadó, 2019.

In the past few years, robotics has developed considerably. The first robot was presented at the 1939 World’s Fair. The first industrial robot went to work in 1961. During the 20th century robotics developed a lot.
The use of robots is now the key to survival for industrial companies.
In this post, I have listed areas where people doesn’t have to “face the universe alone”. However, there are so many of such industries. Examples may include, but shall not be limited to Robots are used everywhere from surgery or software robots to the military.
Firstly, the industrial application of robots. Secondly, I will collect some other interesting areas like transporting, space research or health care. In addition, we will see some facts about use of robots in customer service. This is a developing area of robotics. Moreover, our company’s goal is to deliver these digital customer service solutions.
Application of industrial robots and cobots
According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), industrial robots are mostly used in the automotive, electronics and rubber and plastics industries. These industries are full of easily automated work flows. As a result, it is crucial for them to use the best robotics solution. However, most machines do their work separately from the human work force. This is for security reasons. In addition to efficiency, it is positive that so people can perform creative tasks that require thinking and decision-making. Áron Tanos, business manager, president of the Hungarian Robot Builders Association, always says that robots do not take away, but take back machine work from humans.
Certainly, robots takes over the demanding, monotonous work from humans.
In the meantime, the has begun the design of cobots (collaborative robots). Industrial robots work instead of humans, while cobots perform their tasks together with humans. This means also that these robots will presumably create new jobs.
Transportation and traffic. We can hear more and more about self-driving cars. However, the age of autonomous cars or robotic vehicles still seems to be some way off.
Certainly, the difficulty is that the robot has to make decisions in a lot of unexpected situations. In an earlier post we have already written that the professionals do not fully understand AIdecision-making. Behind the autonomous cars are neural networks, which are constantly taught.
Space research
We can read a futuristic description in Asimov’s novel, of how robots will be mining on other planets. This way of use soon becomes reality. Canadian engineers are developing a rover with drill bits to search for resources. Expectedly it will be deployed on the Mars and the Moon.
According to Canadarm 2 is the hardest working robot in space. To clarify, it is a robotic arm serving on the International Space Station. In space, these robots are still working side by side the human personnel, but the future belongs even here to the automatic machines. With their services, they substitute for astronauts in dangerous jobs.
Perhaps the best known is the Mars Exploration Rover of NASA. The rover actually walks on the red planet as a robot geologist.
Health care
As I write these lines, the coronavirus pandemic is terrifying the world. The virus rushed down China earlier this year. The risk of infection and the workload of hospital staff were major problem. As a result, several types of robots have been deployed. For example, robots that distribute hand sanitizers, hospital robots that help nurses, and stair climber robots with tracks.
In Seattle, the doctors contacted the first infected person through a telepresence robot to avoid the risk of infection. The use of the robot reduced the risk of infection for hospital staff enormosly.
Our company also develops software solutions for the humanoid Pepper robots. And we are also the resellers of the robot in Hungary. One possible field of use of Pepper robot is the health care. Internationally the robot is already used in hospitals, for example in Germany. There it has to help the nurses mainly. There is currently a shortage of them.
Pepper is also used in retirement homes, although this belongsrather to the social field. The greatest advantage of the robot is communication. The designers took particular care to create a cute, lovely robot that was easy to accept.
Application of customer service robots
We have got to the topic of conversational robots. As I mentioned before, the main activity of our company is the development of digital reception solutions, including voicebots and humanoid robots.
What is a custumer service robot? How does it work?
Certainly, it needs a voicebot, what is actually a live chatbot. In other words, voicebot allows you to talk to machines. Its significance is enormous, as its use with a humanoid robot takes customer service to a new level.
The system answers frequently asked routine questions. For instance, in a mall you are asked a hundred times a day, where the toilet is. However, companies don’t use digital solutions in these jobs currently, although machines can do this tasks too. In addition, customer services face fluctuations and labor shortages. So, our development provides a solution to these complaints.
To sum up, robots are very useful machines in business. Nowadays, they became more important, even crucial parts of business ventures. As a result, corporate managers should invest more in robotisation and IT development.
Can we help you with digital solutions? Send us a message!
Further useful readings and the bibliography of the article
Nagy, Judit: Robots in the fourth industrial revolution. Ellensú 17.03.2020 16:30
Mallász, Judit: Mobile robots in all industries. Techmonitor Downloaded: 17.03.2020 17:00
What is the difference between kobots and robots? Autopro Downloaded: 18.03.2020 17:00
Collaborative robots. Web site of the Hungarian Chamber of Engeneers. Letöltés: 17.03.2020 17:00
Evan Ackerman, Erico Guizzo and Fan Shi: Video Friday: How Robots Are Helping to Fight the Coronavirus Outbreak. Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos. IEEE SPECTRUM Downloaded: 17.03.2020 17:00
Exploration outer space: The most faithful companion is the robot. ESA.INT (European Space Agency website) 17.03.2020 17:00
Mars exploration rovers. MARS.NASA.GOV Downloaded: 17.03.2020 17:00
International Federation of Robotics
Bátky, Zoltán: 7 robots, that help to fight against. PCWorld. Downloaded: 17.03.2020 17:00