Robotics Blog: The Best Articles on Medical Robots
We are eager to share informative articles on our robotics blog. We write posts on robots deployed for marketing and customer service purposes. We shared several exciting AI and machine learning solutions as well. In this post, we collected the best articles published in October. They are all about healthcare robotics, which is very hot stuff in this pandemic time.

Explore the exciting world of healthcare robotics in this blog!
Using medical robots in and out of hospitals has a lot of advantages.
They can disinfect rooms automatically, cheer up patients, perform surgeries, transport medicines or help doctors providing medical care remotely.
Of course, they can do other tasks as well. 🤖
In 2018, medical robot sales grew 49% from 2017.
The size of the market was $ 6.46 billion in 2018 (Markets and Markets).
Another source, BIS International predicted the global robotics market to reach $ 11,4 billion by 2023.
Explore the possibilities in healthcare robotics!
The following blog is about humanoid robotics
In October, Softbank Robotics, the manufacturer of Pepper robot organized a very insightful webinar. 💡
There were some very surprising astonishments about Pepper even for us.
Did you know for example that Pepper robot can help patients with dementia?
It is used in several hospitals and also in nursing homes across Europe.
You can learn more enthralling facts about humanoid robots in this blog.
The e-healthcare solution that helped a German hospital
The last one is maybe the most exciting for our team: this is a success story from Germany.
Pepper robot was deployed in St. Marien Hospital in Cologne.
The robot is used in the geriatric centre of the clinic.
Prof. Dr Ralph-Joachim Schulz presented, that the robot is a good therapy tool in the cure of dementia❗
Read more about the e-healthcare solution that helped a German hospital!
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